For all Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 submissions, the driver version date (DriverVer) in the .inf file must be April 21, 2009, or later. If the driver version date is earlier than April 21, 2009, the submission will fail. For more information on updating DriverVer, see

If you are already testing your drivers for Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 but have a driver version date earlier than April 21, 2009, you can use the following process to avoid retesting. After you complete your testing with Windows Logo Kit (WLK) 1.4, update the driver version date (DriverVer) in the .inf file. Submit the updated .inf file with the tested driver package and log files. If only this field is changed in .inf file and no other changes are made to the driver package binaries after testing, this change will be acceptable.


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